Monday, April 12, 2010

Back to the buzz of college life

Just got back from a 9-10 mile backpacking trip, it seems that my entire body is exhausted. Even the hairs on my head have gone flat. Tomorrow I have so much to do, but i just do not know if I will physically capable of accomplishing all of it.

Being a second year college student has started to take a toll on me; aside from having the skill of time management beaten into me I feel that I have forgotten what it means to work hard. As busy as I seem to be, there are still hours on end where I find myself playing farmville, or Sims2. Call it addiction or whatever, I just need to get some major motivation so I can get my but in gear... well that's another thing on my to do list. The gym on campus is free to all students yet i've only been there once this year. Perhaps a lack of comittment, or pure rebellion from my failed attempt at joining the H20 polo team.

I need motivation. If I do not start to get things moving then I will fail my classes like last semester and end up staying at this godforesaken campus an extra year.

So many pressures to finish in 4 years, yet I have not even clearly decided on a major. I feel like im in lala land with my life right now. I keep spinning, around and around, not knowing which way is up or down.

I applied for a job. I made it to the second interview, but it has almost been a week since they said they would call me, I've never worked retail before, perhaps they are looking for someone with a little more experience.

If that doesn't work out there is a job down in so cal at a camp to be a cameraman, pa is good, and it would be a great experience. But i would have to rent a storage unit.

Anyway, just needed to vent, hopefully I will be posting the results of the upcoming week next time, and im praying they will be positive!!!

God Bless